Tuesday, April 12, 2011

World's Oldest Water

February 21, 2011

Ancient Microbial Discovered

Discovered in South Africa deep in the saline groundwater Witwatersrand Basin, scientist have unearthed water in three-kilometer deep crevices that has been isolated for thousands, and even millions of years. The water itself contained unique and usual properties different from almost anything seen before. The contents were not even similar to waters found higher up giving further evidence of the age of the water. The main evidence is the neon isotope signature that was trapped in the rock for at least 2 billion years was present in the water as well. This idea gives way to the concept of microbial that lives with out sunlight, but with chemical energy from the rock itself. The scientist believe that these microbial are not new origins of life but arrived millions of years ago as they share similar genetics to hydrothermal vents.

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