Saturday, April 16, 2011

Deep Sea Volcanoes

March 28, 2011

Explosive Under Sea Pressure

A majority of all of earths volcanic activity takes place at deep sea in the middle of the ocean along ridges. These volcanoes produce lava flows rather then explosive eruptions because of the magmatic gas levels are usually a lot lower in pressure while also the surrounding water putting a lot of pressure on the volcano. Though after studying the sites over the last ten years, geologist have speculated that undersea volcanoes can be quite eruptive. Christoph Helo has discovered that in only droplets of magma there are extremely high concentrations of CO2 that are trapped within crystals. Though this discovery they are able to proove that it is possible for deep sea volcanic explosions. While this also leads into important implications for global carbon cycles as the largest volcanic systems are under water.

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