Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Oscillating of Magma Causes Tremors

February 28, 2011

Forcasting Volcanic Eruptions

New explanations for seismic tremors that accompany volcanic eruptions could help predict the explosive eruptions in the future. These volcanic eruptions are accompanied by tremors preceding and during for hours to weeks at length, while highly different frequencies have been observed all around the world. This information is being assessed to learn the underlying mechanism of the long lived volcanic earthquakes as it is currently impossible to determine during or after volcanic activity. The scientist so far have determined that all volcanoes feature a "viscous column of dense magma surrounded by a compressible and permeable sheath of magma that is mostly composed of stretched gas bubbles". This issue is also being pressed over the past decade because of the eruptions have been slowly becoming more problematic and even more dangerous to humans.

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