Monday, April 18, 2011

Strong or Weak Crust?

April 11, 2011
Old Theories Proved Stronger

A new study shows that under Tibet is very strong lower crust that originated in India, rather then the very hot and weak lower crust that is strongly accepted now. These findings help better understand how the Himalaya Mountains were shaped in the most tectonically active continental area in the world. The underground plate collisions that cause earthquakes to drive up the Himalaya's are common and found only with that much power in this region. The theory proposes that the Indian crust alters the state of stress in the southern Tibetan crust. Performing many numerical experiments proved that the lower crust locks in with the upper crust proving that low viscosity magma oozes though weak zones are not correct. This information also gives new understandings of what controls the behavior earthquakes in large mountain ranges. This also increases motivation to test further "weak crust" hypothesis around the world.

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