Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Deep or Shallow Living

March 28, 2011
Shrimp used for Deep Sea Living

A new study involving shallow water shrimp were used to test the tolerance of deep sea pressure gave new understanding of other shallow water species could also be treated in the deep sea. The idea is that during certain times of Earth's history extinctions caused many deep water creatures to go nearly extinct, and the ones that re-colonized shallower areas of the sea evolved to have adaptations for both shallow and deep sea environment. Though currently they at question as to how these creatures initially made the journey from deep sea to shallow water environments. One of the theories is that it was during a geological period where the water was much colder say an ice age, or traveling to the northern poles.  The study used variable shrimp as a shallow water was a prime candidate because it already lived in extreme conditions.

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