Monday, April 25, 2011

Earthquakes In The United States

March 30, 2011

New Plan for Earthquake Damage Prevention

The National Research Council presents a 20 year plan for increasing resilience to earthquakes in the United States. The initial planning for this system started before the March 11 earthquake in Japan but its noted that event is a vivid reminder of what can happen.  Earthquakes in general are not strong in the United States, or they just strike rural areas causing little damage. This concern would lead many people to be lulled into a false sense of security if and when a earthquake causes major destruction. The scenario they created gave evidence that if a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Los Angeles, there would be severe damage and losses. The idea is that Hurricane Katrina caused much damage and there was little preparations for the event before or after. The total funding for this project estimated that over the next five yeas, it would cost $306 million annually over the first five years.

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