Friday, April 22, 2011

Evidence Of Fossils

April 10, 2011

Polar Ice Caps Melting

A recent discovery from a fossilized mollusks over 3.5 million year ago gave evidence to climate records that holds information about long term effects of Earth current levels. The ancient fossils harvested in the Arctic circle give some evidence that the they might have lived at a time during the summer months that the ice caps melted completely. These fossils were determined to be from the Pliocene epoch nearly 4 million years ago where the temperatures could have been up to 30 degrees warmer then current temperatures. The results of this study give support to climate modelers that the sea ice may be eliminated in the next 50 to 100 years. The poles exhibit the most warming of any place on Earth, and the most severe in he Arctic. When regions of the Earth react to climate change the poles are the first sign. The issues brought up are the ice sheets in in the polar regions melting allowing income solar radiation to be less deflected.

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