Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Higher Rate of Global Warming

March 16, 2011
Hyper-Thermal Heating

A new study has found that over the life time of Earth's History more and more burst of global warming have taken place then previously thought.  The study shows that within the deep oceans carbon dioxide was released and triggered hyper thermal events of great heating. These events would raise temperates nearly 2-3 degrees Celsius for almost 40,000 years before returning to the original temperature. Further use of the study will reveal the effects global warming had on climate, ocean circulation and marine ecosystem as well as predict the future of global warming. As previously thought, these hyper thermal events happened much more then thought at an average of 400,000 years, with the strongest of the times known to be the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in which the Earth took nearly 200,000 years to return back to its original temperature. 

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